Message from the
President and CEO

This is a message from Katsuhito Ozawa, President and Chief Executive Officer of Tokyo Tatemono.


In order to achieve a greater balance between solving social issues and growing as a company, we are working on sustainability measures throughout our business based on 14 material issues.

Material Issue KPIs and Targets

We have reported progress against KPIs and targets based on material issues identified by the Group for the realization of a sustainable society.

Participation in Initiatives

The Tokyo Tatemono Group participates in and endorses various initiatives in Japan and overseas, for the purpose of realizing collaborations across countries, regions, and organizations.

External Evaluation

The Tokyo Tatemono Group is evaluated by institutions within and outside of Japan, while also being selected as a component stock of the ESG Index.

Sustainability Report

Once a year, the Tokyo Tatemono Group issues an report containing data on sustainability-related issues and actual results.

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