Policy and Concept
The Tokyo Tatemono Group defines compliance as complying not only with laws and regulations, but also with social norms and corporate ethics. This approach builds a long-lasting relationship of trust with society and allows us to continue sound corporate activities.
We believe that, as a company, we must respond sincerely to the needs of people in our surrounding environment, including our customers, local communities, employees, shareholders and investors, and business partners. In June 2009, the Group established a shared Compliance Charter for Group companies. This charter is our pledge to society to promote corporate activities that are committed to unwavering compliance.
Alongside other initiatives, we are using compliance education and training as we work to build organizational and educational systems that enable our employees to maintain a high level of compliance awareness at all times.
Compliance Charter
As we engage in corporate activities, we observe the Compliance Charter below:
- We adhere to laws, regulations, and other rules and engage in fair, sound corporate activities.
- We act faithfully by thinking from the customers' standpoint.
- We contribute to making society better through corporate activities.
- We respect the personalities and values of each other and maintain a comfortable working environment.
Established June 2009
Compliance Codes of Conduct
1.Comply with laws and regulations
2.Maintain proper relationships with partners
3.Engage in fair competition
4.Maintain proper relationships with governments and administrations
5.Reject relationships with anti-social forces
6.Engage in proper management of information
7.Prohibit dishonest behavior
8.Respect corporate assets
9.Respond sincerely to customers
10.Exercise consideration for the environment
11.Engage in timely and appropriate disclosure, conduct appropriate tax reporting
12.Practice co-existence with local communities
13.Respect human rights and prohibit discrimination
14.Prohibit harassment
15.Provide a comfortable work environment
To promote compliance, the Tokyo Tatemono Group has established
a Risk Management Committee to oversee the Group's risk management and compliance, and a Compliance Subcommittee as a subordinate organization of the Risk Management Committee.
The Compliance Subcommittee deliberates compliance measures, monitors progress, and addresses compliance risks.
The Risk Management Committee reports to the Board of Directors on important matters among compliance measures and the status of compliance risk handling, and the Board of Directors supervises compliance with the Compliance Charter and Compliance Codes of Conduct.
In addition, Tokyo Tatemono supports and guides the compliance-related operations of Group companies. We also aim to improve compliance functions throughout the Group by taking the lead in encouraging collaboration between and among Group companies.
Compliance Structure