Privacy Policy Privacy Policy
Business Operator Handling Personal Information
Corporate Name: Tokyo Tatemono Co., Ltd.
Address: 1-4-16 Yaesu, Chuo-ku, Tokyo
Representative: Katsuhito Ozawa
I. Basic Policy
Given the importance of protecting personal information in today's advanced information-communication society, Tokyo Tatemono Co., Ltd. (the "Company") shall comply with the Act on Protection of Personal Information (the "Personal Information Protection Act") and other relevant laws and regulations, and endeavor to protect personal information in accordance with the following policy.
1. Formulation and Continuous Improvement of Rules for Handling Personal Information, Etc.
The Company shall make its directors, officers, and other employees understand the importance of protecting personal information, formulate rules for appropriate handling of personal information (including this policy, Rules for Handling Personal Information, and other relevant rules and manuals), and continuously improve their content.
2. Appropriate Handling of Personal Information in Accordance with the Rules, Etc.
In accordance with this policy, the Rules for Handling Personal Information, and other relevant rules and manuals, the Company shall establish a management framework, taking into account the size and activities of each department, obtain, use, and provide personal information in an appropriate manner, and respond appropriately to the requests from individuals for disclosure, correction, etc., of their personal information.
3. Items Relating to Security Management Measures
The main contents of the security management measures for personal information that the Company implements are as follows:
(1)Formulation of Basic Policy
Formulating this policy in order to ensure the proper handling of personal information and informing individuals of the contact information for inquiries.
(2)Establishment of Rules Relating to Handling of Personal Information
Formulating the Rules for Handling Personal Information and establishing the rules relating to handling of personal information with respect to the handling method, responsible persons in charge and their duties, etc. relating to personal information for each stage of obtainment, use, storage, provision, deletion, destruction, etc. of personal data.
(3)Organizational Security Management Measures
By appointing an Overall Information Management Controller in charge of handling personal information as well as by clarifying the officers and employees who handle personal data and the scope of such data handled by them, by establishing the system for reporting and communicating to the Overall Information Management Controller in the case that any fact or indication which is in breach of the Personal Information Protection Act or the Rules for Handling Personal Information is found.
Regularly conducting audits on the status of compliance with the Personal Information Protection Act, this policy, the Rules for Handling Personal Information, and other relevant rules and manuals, etc. for the handling of personal information.
(4)Human Security Management Measures
Providing necessary education and training to its officers and employees, etc. in order to promote and improve the security management of personal information.
Stipulating the provisions relating to the confidentiality of personal information in the Rules of Employment.
(5)Physical Security Management Measures
Restricting devices that are being brought into the area where the important information system which handles personal information database, etc. is managed, and implementing the measures to prevent access to personal data by any unauthorized persons.
Implementing the measures to prevent personal data from being identified easily when carrying devices, electronic media, documents, etc. that handle personal data, including when moving within the Company's office.
(6) Technological Security Management Measures
Limiting the persons in charge and the scope of the personal information database, etc. by implementing access control.
Introducing the mechanism which protects the information system handling personal data from external unauthorized access or software.
4. Purposes of Using Personal Information
The Company shall make appropriate use of personal information to the extent required to achieve the purposes indicated in "II. Handling of Personal Information".
5. Handling of Outsourcing
The Company may entrust the handling of personal data to a third party, insofar as it is necessary to achieve its purposes. In such a case, the Company shall supervise the third party in an appropriate manner, when necessary, in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations.
6. Inquiries
Inquiries concerning the Company's handling of personal information shall be handled by the relevant contact persons, who are listed in "II. Handling of Personal Information".
7. Revisions to This Policy
The Company may revise the contents of this policy without notice in order to comply with the relevant laws and regulations, and to further improve its personal information protection measures. The latest policy shall be posted on its website.
II. Handling of Personal Information
1. Purposes of Using Personal Information
The Company shall make appropriate use of personal information that it obtains insofar as it is necessary to carry out the business of the Company and its subsidiaries, and consolidated affiliates indicated in the financial statements of the Company (collectively the "Tokyo Tatemono Group Companies"), as follows. Please note that if, at the time the Company obtains personal information, the individual in question is notified by the Company or it is otherwise indicated that the purpose of use differs from any of the following, then that purpose shall take priority.
(1) The Tokyo Tatemono Group's business
The Tokyo Tatemono Group's business includes various activities conducted by the Company and the Tokyo Tatemono Group Companies. The main activities are as follows:
1)Sales, development, leasing, operation/management, brokerage, consulting, and appraisal of real estate (office buildings, condominiums, logistic facilities, child and nursing care-related facilities, tourism and leisure facilities, retail facilities, public facilities such as parking lots, etc.);
2)Construction and renovation work of and consulting service on buildings;
3)Development, sales and brokerage of, and consulting service on, investment in co-owner's share interest in real estate and real estate securitization products
4)Other activities that fall within the scope of businesses purposes of the Company and the Tokyo Tatemono Group Companies
(2) Purposes of Use
The Company shall use the personal information that it obtains for the purposes indicated in 1 to 7 below.
Relating to the Tokyo Tatemono Group's business
1.Analyzing customer trends and conducting research/analysis for product development, etc.
2.Identification of stakeholders required for carrying out the Tokyo Tatemono Group's business and providing information of various kinds for carrying out Tokyo Tatemono Group's business*
3.Checking identity and conducting credit checks when receiving applications, entering into contracts, etc., to carry out the Tokyo Tatemono Group's business
4.Providing various kinds of information relating to promotional activities, execution of applications and contracts, customer satisfaction surveys, etc.*
Relating to the Company's business
5.Providing information about the Company* and notices about PR activities such as events, surveys, etc.*
6.Verifying the identity of visitors to the Company and recording information about services provided to them
7.Conducting activities (screening and provision of recruitment information) to recruit the Company's officers and employees (officers, employees, temporary employees, loaned employees, etc.)*
*The various kinds of information and notices mentioned above may be provided in person or by means of direct mail (postcard, letter, etc.), phone call, email, delivery of behavioral targeting advertising using advertisement distribution business operators, etc.
2. Shared Use of Personal Information
The Company may make shared use of personal information it obtains with the Tokyo Tatemono Group Companies. The items relating to shared use of personal information are as follows:
Items relating to shared use
1) Companies that will share information
The Tokyo Tatemono Group Companies
2) Personal information that will be shared
Name, address, contact information (phone number, email address, etc.), age, gender, date of birth, organization, division/department/title, annual income, family structure, real estate information, etc.
3) Purposes of shared use
The same purposes of use indicated in section II-1. (2)above.
4) Corporate name of the person who is responsible for the management of shared
personal information
Tokyo Tatemono Co., Ltd.
3. Provision of Personal Data to Third Parties
Personal data obtained by the Company may be provided to a third party if such provision is required in order to achieve the purposes of use and if it falls under any of the cases listed below. The Company shall suspend the provision of personal data about an individual to third parties if it receives a request to that effect from the individual. However, in cases corresponding to (2) below, the Company may not comply with the request, depending on the details.
Please see 4. Inquiries below with regard to contacting the Company to request suspension of provision of information to third parties and to make an inquiry, etc.
(1)Cases where the individual's consent has been obtained in advance
(2)Cases where provision to a third party without the individual's consent is allowed by law
4. Inquiries
If you wish to make an inquiry regarding your personal information provided to the Company or request disclosure, correction, suspension of use, etc. of your personal information, please use the contact information below. For a prescribed procedure for disclosure, correction, suspension of use, etc. of personal information (confirmation of identity, required documents, processing fees, etc.), please see IV. "Procedures for Disclosure, Etc. of Personal Information."
1. Brillia Club members and condominium customers
Business Planning Department,
Residential Development Division of Tokyo Tatemono Co., Ltd.
Phone no.: +81 3-3274-0124
(Click link for more details.) -
2. Customers of real estate securitization products
Invest Plus contact person,
Finance Department,
Tokyo Tatemono Co., Ltd.
Phone no.: 0120-877-885 (within Japan only) -
3. Customers of Tokyo Tatemono Brillia Bond (for individual investors)
Brillia Bond contact person, Finance Department,
Tokyo Tatemono Co., Ltd.
Phone no.: +81 3-3274-0114 -
4. Applicants for jobs (for recruitment of new graduates or mid-career recruitment) and internships
Hiring Manager/Internship Manager, Personnel Department,
Tokyo Tatemono Co., Ltd.
Phone no.: +81 3-3274-0112
(Click link for more details.) -
5. Shareholders
Securities Agent Department,
Mizuho Trust & Banking Co., Ltd.
Phone no.: 0120-288-324 (within Japan only) -
6. Inquiries about office building leasing
Leasing & Consulting Department,
Commercial Properties Division of Tokyo Tatemono Co., Ltd.
Phone no.: +81 3-3274-1971 -
7. Inquiries about office building business
Business Planning Department,
Commercial Properties Division of Tokyo Tatemono Co., Ltd.
Phone no.: +81 3-3274-0140 -
8. Inquiries about housing business
Business Planning Department,
Residential Development Division of Tokyo Tatemono Co., Ltd.
Phone no.: +81 3-3274-0124 -
9. Other general inquiries about handling of personal information
Personal Information Manager,
Legal & Compliance Department,
Tokyo Tatemono Co., Ltd.
Phone no.: +81 3-3274-1390
III. Handling of Non-Identifiable Person-Related Information
The Company shall use IP addresses, access logs, cookies, etc. ("Non-Identifiable Person-Related Information") obtained by the Company when customers access the Company's website for purposes of improving the usability of the Company's website, displaying pages of the website depending on the individual usage of each customer, displaying advertisements of the Company's products and services on the Company's and external websites, conducting marketing activities, improving the Company's products and services, etc.
The Company may obtain customer's Non-Identifiable Person-Related Information from the Tokyo Tatemono Group Companies and third parties, link such information with customer's personal information retained by the Company, and use it for the above purposes and those in section II-1. (2).
The Company may provide Non-Identifiable Person-Related Information obtained by the Company when customers access the Company's website to the Tokyo Tatemono Group Companies, and in such cases, the Tokyo Tatemono Group Companies may link the Non-Identifiable Person-Related Information obtained from the Company with customer's personal information retained by them and use the information.
The Company may provide Non-Identifiable Person-Related Information obtained by the Company when customers access the Company's website to advertisement distribution service providers entrusted by the Company with displaying advertisements of the Company's products and services on external websites.
IV. Procedures for Disclosure, Etc.
of Personal Information
If an individual requests a notification of the purpose of use, disclosure (including disclosure of traceability record of personal data), correction, addition, deletion, suspension of use, erasure, suspension of provision to a third party, etc. of such individual's personal information retained by the Company ("Claim for Disclosure, Etc."), the procedure for such is as follows.
1. Flow of Procedure
(1) Reception of Claim for Disclosure, Etc.
To make a Claim for Disclosure, Etc., please contact the person specified in II-4. "Inquiries" above.
(2) Delivery of Application Form for Disclosure, Etc. of Retained Personal Information from the Company
The Company will mail an Application Form for Disclosure, Etc. of Retained Personal Information to the individual.
(3) Submission of the Application Form for Disclosure, Etc. of Retained Personal Information from the individual
The individual will mail the Application Form for Disclosure, Etc. of Retained Personal Information after completing required items to the address designated by the Company enclosing a copy of the individual's identity verification documents designated by the Company.
(4) Reply from the Company
The Company will mail a written reply to the address set out in the Application Form for Disclosure, Etc. of Retained Personal Information.
2. Fees
(1)If such request from the individual is one requesting a notice of the purpose of use of personal information, or disclosure of personal information or traceability record, etc. of personal data, the Company will collect 1,000 yen for each request as the fee. However, if the postage for such mail exceeds 1,000 yen, the fee will be the full amount of such postage. The Company will not make notice of the purpose of use of personal information, or disclose personal information or traceability record, etc. of personal data until it receives payment of such fee.
(2)The fee will be paid by means of mailing the postal money order with fixed amount.